We all know that well-designed interior design can significantly increase one’s home and its overall value; however, did you know that poorly thought out or executed interior design can decrease its value?
Although it’s not a common occurrence, there are definitely certain interior design choices that can have an adverse effect on your home value. So before you finalise your next design project, be sure to avoid these ten interior designs that can negatively impact your home value!
Over-the-Top Luxury
While having a few luxurious and expensive pieces in your home can actually increase its value, going overboard with luxury items can have the opposite effect.

This is because potential buyers will either be turned off by the over-the-top luxury or feel that the asking price does not reflect the actual value of the property.
So if you’re planning to sell your home in the near future, it’s best to avoid going overboard with luxury items and stick to a more moderate design.
Loud-Patterned Wallpaper
While wallpaper can add a lot of character and personality to a room, loud and busy patterns are often best avoided. This is because they can be very jarring and overwhelming, particularly in small spaces.

If you’re looking for a way to add some personality to your home without going overboard, try opting for a more subtle or classic pattern instead.
Overuse Dark Colours
While dark colours can be stunning and luxurious, they’re often not the best choice for homes that will be put on the market. Dark colours can quickly make a space feel smaller and more cramped, which is not what most home buyers are looking for.
If you’re looking to add some colour to your home, try going with lighter shades instead. These will make the space feel brighter and more open, which is always a plus when it comes to selling a home.
While a little bit of clutter can be charming and cozy, too much of it can be very off-putting to potential buyers as it can make the space feel smaller and more cluttered – not ideal for those who are looking for a spacious and tidy home.
If you’re having trouble getting rid of your clutter, try implementing some organising hacks or hiring a professional organiser to help you out.
Large Built-In Units
While built-in units can be beneficial for storing and displaying your belongings, they’re not always the best choice when it comes to selling your home. Large units can be very difficult and expensive to remove, which is not something that most home buyers are looking for.
If you’re looking to add some storage to your home, try opting for freestanding units instead. This will make the space feel more open and less cluttered, which is always a plus when it comes to selling a home.
Too Much Furniture
Having furniture in your home is definitely necessary, however, less is more. Too much can quickly become overwhelming and distracting. Especially true if pieces are large and bulky, excess furniture as it can make the space feel smaller and more cramped.
If you’re looking to add some furniture to your home, try opting for pieces that are smaller in size or that can be easily moved around. Not only will this help make the room look larger, but homeowners can also move things as necessary.
Short-lived Design Trends
While it can be tempting to stay up-to-date with the latest design trends, it’s important to remember that not all of them are going to stand the test of time. Short-lived trends that come and go quickly can date your home before you are ready and may make it a tough sell.

If you’re looking to add some trendy elements to your home, it is best to do so with design elements that can easily be removed when the trend’s time has come and gone. Classic design choices will save you from having to make costly and time-consuming changes down the road.
Many homeowners are under the misconception that design elements and features can only have a positive impact on their home’s value. While this is typically true, it’s important to realise that some of these design decisions may actually devalue your property instead.
If you are struggling with design choices, a knowledgeable real estate agent will be able to assist with the choices, advising which ones stand the test of time when it comes time to sell. When considering a new design or style for your home, be sure to keep these 10 things in mind to avoid negatively impacting your home’s value.